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    [关键词]贺普汀 慢性乙型肝炎 葛兰素威康



  Researcher Says GlaxoSmithKline Plays Down Problems In Hepatitis Treatment

  作者:Deborah Nelson

  Washington Post Staff Writer

  Sunday, March 18,2001;Page A 14

  Peborah Nelson





  HONG KONG-when pharmaceutical giant Glaxo Wellcome Inc. came to this crowded Asian city several years ago to test a new drug for hepatitis B, researcher Nacny Leung was pleased with the early results in a short course of treatment the drug showed positive effects on many liver patients at her university hospital.

  香港-几年前,当制药行业巨人葛兰素威康公司来到这个亚洲拥挤的城市试验治疗乙型肝炎的新药时,研究员Nancy 梁对早期结果非常满意。经过短期治疗后,这个新药在她所在的大学附属医院的肝病病人身上起到了积极作用。

  But over time, she began detecting mutant viruses in the blood of participants who stayed on the drug longer than a year. She promptly reported the disturbing development to Glaxo.

  "Most virologists" Leung said ,"do not want to create a new virus."

  Glaxo assured her that the new viruses. Though drug-resistant, appeared to be relatively benign..She said.




  Then, in the summer of 1997,a 36-year-old patient. She Yun-Ki, fell mortally ill while taking the drug. Goaxo listed his cause of death as peritonitis, but Leung said that was misleading. He had developed mutant viruses, she said, and his liver failed. The peritonitis was the last in a cascade of deadly ailments that followed, she said.

  接下来,在1997年夏,一位36岁的病人She Yun-Ki,在服用拉米夫定后死亡。葛兰素把他的死因归因于腹膜炎,但梁教授说这是误导。事实上,病人体内的病毒已经突变。引起肝功能不全。腹膜炎只是肝功能不全后一系列并发症中最严重的一种。

  The death left her shaken, and she took a more critical view of the rapidly spreading mutant viruses among patients receiving long-term treatment, joining a growing number of liver specialists who say the drug should not be used for more than a year.


  But that view is on a collision course with Glaxo's efforts to promote more and longer use of the drug lamivudine, which is now sold in 60countries and last year accounted for $108 million in sales.Glaxo officials say long-term treatment is safe and effective for mot patients.


  Leung said Glaxo has tried to suppress concerns about the drug, attaching her name to upbeat research reports that she didn't approve and churning out data that mask the drug's problems. Glaxo's failure to adequately acknowledge lamivudine's problems has led to a "mood of mistrust and discontent" among Asian liver specialists. She said.


  Fraser Gray, who leads Glaxo's lamivudine development team, said he was not aware of any unhappiness among Asian researchers over the company's interpretation of their data. Glaxo works closely with all outside researchers to make sure they agree with the company's scientific claims of success, he said.

  领导拉米夫定推广小组的Fraser Gray说,他没有意识到亚洲研究人员对葛兰素公司对他们的材料解释有任何不满。葛兰素公司与所有公司外的研究人员密切工作来保证他们与公司成功的科学主张相一致。

  Leung sees it differently. "We are too much controlled by them." She said. "I feel like I've been constantly, positively spun."


  The mutant virus controversy illustrates a new global twist in an ongoing debate in U.S. scientific circles over whether drug companies with massive research budgets exert too much control over human testing and the publication of findings in medical journals.

  Academic researchers who rely on industry money to stay afloat are being pressured by drug companies to put a favorable spin on clinical trial results, said Marcia angell. Former editor in chief of the New England Journal of Medicine. [page]


  一些学术研究人员依靠公司赞助的钱来维持研究工作的运转。这些人正在被制药公司强迫拿出有利于公司利益的临床试验结果,前新英格兰杂志主编Marcia Angell说。

  Lamivudine is prescribed for chronic hepatitis B. A potentially fatal liver disease that infects 350 million people around the world. In the United States, the virus spreads largely through illegal drug use and unprotected sex. In Asia, where three-quartets of the hepatitis B population resides the disease is primarily passed from mother to baby. Chronic carriers may live normal lives. But they suffer periodic attacks that can eventually cause liver failure or cancer.


  Glaxo, now GlaxoSmithKline, began worldwide lamivudine testing in the mid-1990s and is still studying its long-term usefulness. The FDA approved lamivudine for hepatitis B in 1998, based on one-year results from research carried our by Leung and others in Asia, Europe and the United States.


  Since hen ,there has been good and bad news on lamivudine. While there is evidence that long-term treatment produces lasting improvement in some patients the mutant virus risk rises dramatically over time-infecting one-fourth of study participants after one year of treatment and 67 percent after four years.


  Patients with the mutant viruses have suffered relapses and several have died. Some have had to forgo liver transplants, because the risk of complications is higher. On the other hand, many appear no worse of initially and continue to show improvement on lamivudine, leading Glaxo to recommend they stay on the drug. The long-term consequences of the mutant viruses are not yet known.


  A recent study by Liaw Yun-San, a leading Taiwan hepatologist, uncovered more frequent and severe liver attacks in lamivudine patients with the mutant than Glaxo had been reporting .He said his own and other studies led him to conclude that the mutant viruses should be avoided until an understand .


  Last summer ,Leung said she received an e-mail with several study abstracts that Glaxo had written under her name, without her input, for distribution at a conference at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda. Her reservations about long-term treatment weren't reflected in Glaxo's upbeat conclusions.

  Leung said she tried to correct the written record in her oral pressentation, but the damage had been done , because the abstracts are read and cited internationally ."It doesn't matter if Nancy creates a fuss at a presentation, because the whole world reads the abstract." She said .

  去年夏天,梁收到一封电子邮件,内容为葛兰素公司以她的名义写 的几个研究的摘要,用来在Bethesda 举行的NIH的会议上发放,但事先未经她的审阅。在葛兰素乐观的结论中未能反映出她对长期治疗的保留意见。


  Glaxo spokeswoman Nancy Jo Peparek said there may have been a "breakdown in the process" in the rush to get the abstracts done for the NIH conference." This unfortunate incident has not disrupted the good working relationship we have with her." Pekarck said .

  In December, Glaxo sought Leung's signature for this year's updated research report for the FDA. She read the report and , four days later, fired back a dozen questions. Later the same say, she said, the company informed her that it was too late to address her concerns , because the report had already been "signed off internally " and submitted.

  葛兰素发言人Pekarek 说,可能在急于为NIH会议准备摘要的过程中发生了问题。"这件不幸的事件并没有破坏我们与梁的良好关系",Pekarek说。 [page]


  Pekarek confirmed that company had given the FDA the long-term treatment data on lamivudine, including the Asian study results.


  Other lamivudine researchers described varying degrees of company influence. Another HongKong researcher said Glaxo routinely writes abstracts and scientific papers under his name, although he usually reviews them first. A Taiwan scientist said he has asked Glaxo to remove his name from a paper that he considered too positive. In the United States, one researcher said he does his own analyses, while another said the company often writes the first draft of papers but he revises them ..


  Some people work better doing a draft on their own ,and some prefer that we do it " said Gray of Glaxo, who called Leung's experience a " rare occurrence."

  Pekared said the company doesn't skew research data in its favor. The company conducts symposia and distributes treatment guidelines addressing the mutant virus risk, she said . Potential problems are disclosed in all scientific and marketing materials, she said.



  Leung said she gets those materials but disagrees that the risks and adequately presented. A Glaxo flier last month promoted a four-year regimen of lamivudine, with favorable statistics superimposed on a Pacific island scene.

  "And only small print on drug resistance." Leung said. " Do we as a medical profession need to dress up in bikinis to counter them?"



