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法律快车官方整理 更新时间: 2021-05-31 14:35:10 人浏览









  第1条 租赁房屋的位置和状况条款

  甲方将座落于聊城市 房屋出租给乙方使用。建筑面积共计约 平方米,使用面积 平方米。

  第2条 租赁期限条款

  租赁期限为 年 个月,即自 年 月 日至 年 月 日止。合同到期后,乙方具有优先承租权。

  第3条 租赁房屋的用途条款


  第4条 租金和租金的交纳期限条款

  租金每月人民币 整,年总租金 整,租赁费每年半年预交1次,以后依次类推。乙方应于每年的 月 日和 月 日分2次向甲方交付租金。

  第5条 房屋的交付条款

  甲方应于 年 月 日前将出租房屋交付乙方使用。甲方迟于上述时间交付出租房屋,乙方可将本合同有效期延长,双方应书面签字确认。

  第6条 费用承担



  第7条 房屋修缮条款





  第8条 房屋的改建、装修条款



  第9条 房屋转让条款


  第10条 合同的解除和终止条款








  第11条 合同的延续及优先权



  第12条 缮后条款


  第13条 违约条款




  第14条 免责条款


  第15条 争议解决方式条款


  第16条 其他条款








  第一条 抵押物的名称、数量和价值




  第二条 抵押期限


  第三条 抵押物的清点、暂管和保险




  第四条 抵押物在抵押期限内的销售和监督




  第五条 甲方的义务及违约责任







  第六条 抵押物的处分、处分方式和还款项的使用顺序









  第七条 其它






  Lessor (Party A)

  Lessee (Party B)

  In accordance with the contract law of the people's Republic of China and relevant laws and regulations, in order to clarify the rights and obligations of the lessor and the lessee, the contract is signed through consultation between Party A and Party B.

  Article 1 terms on the location and condition of the leased house

  Party A shall lease the house located in Liaocheng City for Party B's use. The total building area is about square meters, and the use area is square meters.

  Article 2 term of lease

  The lease term is years, i.e. from mm / DD / yyyy to mm / DD / yyyy. Party B shall have the priority to lease the contract after the expiration of the contract.

  Article 3 terms of use of leased houses

  The houses rented by Party B are used for residential purposes, and Party B shall not use the leased houses to engage in illegal activities. During the lease period, Party B shall obtain Party A's written consent in advance if the house is sublease or changed in use.

  Article 4 terms of payment term of rent and rent

  The rent is RMB only every month, the annual total rent is the whole, the rental fee is paid in advance once a year, and then the like will be followed. Party B shall deliver the rent to Party A twice every month and month.

  Article 5 delivery terms of houses

  Party A shall deliver the leased house to Party B for use before. Party A shall deliver the leased house later than the above time, and Party B may extend the validity of this contract, and both parties shall sign and confirm in writing.

  Article 6 cost bearing

  During the lease period, Party A shall bear the expenses incurred by Party A for the house leasing according to the national regulations, and Party B shall bear the expenses borne by Party B.

  The water and electricity charges used by Party B shall be borne by Party B, and shall be charged according to the price department and relevant departments. The payment method shall be paid in the form of 1 month.

  Article 7. Repair clause

  It is Party A's obligation to repair the house. Party A shall carry out necessary inspection and repair of the house and its facilities.

  Party B shall timely notify Party A and take effective measures in case of any damage or failure that hinders safe and normal use of the leased house and internal facilities during the use of the leased house; Party A shall repair the house within 5 days after receiving the notice from Party B.

  Party B shall inform Party A that if Party A refuses to repair, Party B may witness by the contract registration authority that the future generations will be repaired or repaired by Party B. Party A shall bear the maintenance cost (including Party B's replacement).

  Party B shall be responsible for timely maintenance and corresponding losses in case of damage or failure of the leased house and its facilities due to improper or unreasonable use of Party B.

  Article 8 terms of reconstruction and decoration of houses

  During the validity of this contract, if party a really needs to rebuild, expand or decorate the leased house, it shall be carried out only with the consent of Party B. both parties shall sign an agreement on this issue separately. Except for national policies and force majeure.

  Within the validity of this contract, Party B may decorate the leased house with the written consent of Party A. After the contract expires, Party B shall take the movable decoration and Party B shall leave the non movable decoration to Party A for free.

  Article 9 terms of housing transfer

  Party A shall inform Party B 1 month in advance if Party A needs to transfer part or all of the leased house during the validity of this contract. Party B has the right of preemption under the same conditions. If the leased house is transferred to another party, Party A shall guarantee the transferee to continue to perform this contract.

  Article 10 termination and termination of the contract

  (1) . the contract shall be terminated in case of any of the following circumstances during the validity period of this Contract:

  1. Force majeure or accident, which makes the contract impossible to perform;

  2. The government decides to take over the land where the leased house is located and the leased house needs to be demolished;

  3. Party A and Party B shall reach an agreement on termination by consultation.

  (2) Party A shall have the right to terminate this contract in the following circumstances:

  1. Party B shall not pay the rent for more than one month;

  2. Party B shall owe more than 1 month;

  Article 11 continuation and priority of the contract

  If Party B needs to continue to rent the leased house after the expiry of the term of validity of this contract, Party B shall propose a request for renewal to party a three months before the expiry of the validity period; if Party A needs to continue to rent the leased house, Party B shall have the priority to lease the leased house under the same conditions.

  If both parties reach an agreement on the renewal of the lease, they shall re conclude the contract.

  Article 12 post renovation clause

  When the contract expires, Party A and Party B fail to reach a renewal agreement, Party B shall vacate the house before the expiry date of this contract, return the house and ensure the house and internal facilities are in good condition (except for normal loss) and settle all expenses that shall be borne by Party B.

  Article 13 breach of contract

  If the two parties fail to perform their obligations under this contract and cause losses to the other party, they shall compensate the other party.

  During the lease period, neither Party A nor Party B shall terminate the contract by any reason. If party a really needs to terminate the contract, Party A shall inform Party B 3 months in advance, return the more lease fee and compensate Party B for the losses caused by the lease, and pay the rent for two months in breach of contract;

  If Party B really needs to check out, Party B shall notify party a two months in advance, compensate Party A for the losses caused by it, and pay the rent of RMB two months in breach of contract.

  Article 14 exemption

  If the house is damaged or caused by the lessee due to the force majeure, both parties shall not bear the responsibility for each other.

  Article 15 dispute resolution clause

  Any dispute between Party A and Party B concerning the performance or termination of the contract shall be settled through consultation; if the settlement fails, it may be referred to the relevant organ for mediation or a lawsuit in the people's court.

  Article 16 other provisions

  Both parties may negotiate to make supplementary agreements on matters not covered in this contract, and the supplementary agreement has the same effect as this contract.

  This contract is in two forms, and one for both parties.

  Mortgage contract of folded loan

  The parties to the contract:

  Mortgagor:_____ , hereinafter referred to as Party A:

  Mortgagee:____ , hereinafter referred to as Party B.

  In view of the loan (or loan) owed by Party A to Party B____ The mortgage contract is hereby concluded by Party A after consultation with Party B for guarantee repayment.

  Article 1 name, quantity and value of the mortgaged property

  1. Name: Name:.

  2. quantity:.

  3. value:.

  Article 2 mortgage term

  The mortgage period is____ Year, since____ Year__ Month__ From, to____ Year__ Month__ At the end of the day.

  Article 3 counting, temporary management and insurance of mortgaged goods

  1. inventory: within five days after the contract comes into effect, both parties shall jointly check the quantity and quality of the collateral, and list the list. After verification, both parties shall sign the list and affix the official seal to show their approval.

  2. temporary management: Party A shall be responsible for the complete and undamaged temporary management of the mortgaged goods, and all storage and other management expenses shall be borne by Party A.

  3. insurance: within five days after the contract comes into effect, Party A shall insure the warehouse property with the insurance company and transfer the insured property to Party B. If the insured collateral suffers losses due to force majeure, Party B shall directly obtain all compensation from the insurance company as part of the repayment of the debts.

  Article 4 sales and supervision of mortgaged goods within the mortgage period

  1. Party A shall be responsible for the sale of the mortgaged property. Party A shall organize personnel to actively promote the sale and directly deliver the goods sold to the account designated by Party B as one of the sources of funds to repay the principal and interest of the arrears.

  2. when Party A signs a supply and marketing contract with the demander, it shall indicate the remittance of the money in the contract___ Bank___ Branch___ Account, that is, the account designated by Party B. Before delivery, Party A shall submit the sales contract to Party B for review three working days in advance. For sales contracts signed in other places, Party A shall submit copies or photocopies of the contract to Party A for approval before delivery.

  3. Party A shall provide Party B with financial plan, material inventory, financial accounting statement and relevant economic data every month. Party B shall have the right to check the inventory, sales and account information related to the collateral if necessary, and Party A shall assist Party A.

  Article 5 Party A's obligations and liabilities for breach of contract

  1. Party A shall guarantee that it is the legal owner of the mortgage. In case of any dispute over ownership of the mortgaged property in the future and the loss caused by Party B, Party A shall be responsible for compensation.

  2. after the signing of this contract, Party A shall hand over all original documents and bills related to the mortgaged property to Party B.

  3. Party A shall keep the mortgaged property properly, and shall not lose or damage the mortgaged property. If Party A damages the mortgaged property due to intentional or negligence, Party A shall provide Party B with new collateral within 15 days.

  4. Party A shall not transfer, sell, re mortgage or dispose of the mortgaged property in any other way without the consent of Party B.

  If Party A violates the provisions of the preceding paragraph, Party B shall have the right to take charge of the mortgaged property immediately and notify Party A in writing. Party A shall deliver the collateral to Party B within three days after receiving the notice. If the mortgage fails to deliver within the time limit, Party B may, according to law, submit the mortgage to Party B___ The people's court applies for enforcement. Party B shall compensate Party A for the economic losses incurred thereby.

  5. if Party A violates the provisions of Article 4, paragraph 2 of this contract, the act of disposing the mortgaged property is invalid, and Party B shall compensate Party A for the economic losses incurred thereby.

  Article 6 disposal, disposition method and order of repayment of mortgaged goods

  1. if Party A cannot pay off the principal and interest of the debts after the expiration of this contract, Party B shall have the right to___ The people's court applies for disposition of the mortgaged property.

  2. the disposition and procedure of mortgaged goods are as follows:____ The people's court made a ruling.

  3. the price of the collateral is determined by___ The Municipal Bureau of prices sets the price.

  4. the proceeds from disposing the mortgaged property shall be used in the following order.

  First, pay the expenses for disposing the mortgaged property.

  Second, pay the tax on the mortgaged property.

  Third, pay back the taxes owed to Party B.

  If there is any balance after deduction of the above funds, all the balance shall be returned to Party A. If the amount obtained from disposing the mortgaged property is still insufficient to repay the principal and interest owed. Party B may still claim the debts from the debtor according to the original loan contract.

  Article 7 others

  1. the contract is signed and sealed by the legal representatives of both parties and signed by___ The notarization of the municipal notary office shall take effect after notarization, and the notarization cost shall be borne by Party A.

  2. if Party A fails to pay off the loan principal and interest as scheduled due to actual difficulties and requests to extend the mortgage term, Party B may extend the mortgage term after Party A submits a written application, Party B reviews and agrees and signs supplementary agreement and is an attachment to this contract.

  3. this contract is subject to___ The creditor's rights document that the municipal notary office has given the force of enforcement according to law. If either party fails to perform the contract, the other party may, in accordance with the provisions of Article 186 of the civil procedure law, directly refer to___ The people's court applies for enforcement.

  4. for matters not covered in this contract, both parties may negotiate separately and sign supplementary agreement. The supplementary agreement has the same effect as this contract.

  The contract is made in triplicate, each party holds one copy, and the notary office files one copy. Copy in duplicate__ Copy, send___ One copy shall be kept by the relevant units.








