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法律快车官方整理 更新时间: 2019-03-06 09:06:50 人浏览


作者介绍:MR.OMER OZDEN,(中文名:欧阳默),加拿大著名移民律师,拥有丰富的为中国居民办理加拿大移民的经验。从业以来,他已成功帮助两千多中国人获得加拿大永久居民身份。

Canada has an open door for immigration because immigration helps build a stronger Canada. Immigrants add to the vibrancy and cultural diversity of this unique nation and help to open stronger ties with other countries around the world.


The Canadian Government recognizes that immigrants have been the life-blood of this young country. For that reason, it opens its doors to those people who are properly qualified to benefit Canada. Economically, Canada is among the wealthiest countries in the world. It must compete economically with other wealthy nations. In order to compete, Canada needs the best. That is why Canada opens its doors to skilled workers. Those people who have good education, and the skills Canada requires, can immigrate to Canada. Without these skilled people, Canada would not be able to compete with other rich countries like America, Japan, Germany and France.


 The Canadian Federal Government has played a central role in administrating immigration matters since the birth of Canada as a nation. Immigration Laws, Regulations, Policies and Procedures change frequently. Immigration Laws and Regulations are regularly being revised to reflect the purpose of various departments in the Government. For example, there was a major change in the Regulations on May 1st 1997 which resulted in the disqualification of a large segment of potential applicants whose skills the Government felt no longer benefited Canada.


Policies and Procedures are modified on a weekly basis. Perhaps the most frequent changes of Policies and Procedures I have been witnessing over the past year relate to the processing of applicants from Mainland China. As Canadian officials gain more experience in dealing with the new tide of applications from China, they have been regularly changing their Processing Policies to deal with the particular situations for Chinese applications.[page]


As Canadian immigration specialists, we are prepared for further changes to Laws, Regulations, Policies, and Procedures. One way that the Regulations are expected to change applies to the Selection Criteria which determines who qualifies and who does not. We are here to help you to evaluate your qualification, to submit your application according to the current law, and to monitor the new rules and future rules as to how they will affect your chance to immigration to Canada. We will ensure that the rules work for you, and not against you, thereby enabling your application to have the best chance possible for success.

作为加拿大移民专家,我们对这些变化以及变化的方向成竹在胸。在不久的将来,一个可能的变化将是在独立移民的选择标准上,这个选择标准决定什么样的人合格或不合格。我们将在这里为你的移民资格进行评估,根据加拿大移民法的动向,替你包装并送交移民申请,并注视着各种可能出现的新政策,并及时判断这些新政策对你的申请的影响。我们将尽一切努力,确保这些规定成为你成功移民的保障,不是障碍,从而保证你的申请一帆风顺获得通 过。

 Canada was built through immigration. It continues to advance through immigration. The rules are generally very fair to ensure that only the most qualified immigrate to Canada. New immigrants arriving at the airports in Vancouver and Toronto are injecting new blood into this young country everyday and in return, Canada offers them a good personal life and future second to none. I will be glad to help turn you into one of those thousands of individuals who become new Canadians every year.



