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法律快车官方整理 更新时间: 2019-07-18 21:26:58 人浏览


摘要: 物业规约是业主共同体的自治规则,但与合同有着严格区别。规约的实质是对建筑物区分所有权的确认与巩固。规约对全体业主包括房屋受让人、物业服务企业具有约束力,但不当然拘束承租人。规约原则上自其被业主大会通过之日起生效,临时规约就买受人而言自其书面承诺之时起生效。规约具有可诉性,共益诉讼和自益诉讼应予鼓励。应建立瑕疵规约的司法救济机制,包括规约无效确认之诉和规约撤销之诉。

关键词: 物业管理/规约/业主/物业服务企业/自治/司法救济

Abstract :The property management covenant is the autonomy regulation in the owner community ,although it is different from thecontract. The covenant recognizes and consolidates the owner’s divided ownerships. The covenant is legally binding on the owners ,their transferees , property management companies , but not necessarily on the tenants. In principle , the covenant takes effectsupon its being passed by the general assembly of owners , while the interim covenant is effective upon its being accepted byindividual property buyers. The covenant could be used to judge property disputes , and both public and private interest litigationsshould be encouraged. Judicial remedies to the defective covenant should be established.

